Under the School of ICT, AeU, in collaboration with industry partners is offering the Asian Executive Master's in Open Source Computing; Asian Executive Master's in Open Source ERP (ADempiere); Executive Master's in Service-Oriented Architecture and Executive Master's in Business Process Management.
These are one-year programmes which are meant for career and knowledge development, especially for those who want to upgrade their skills in their respective areas.
Deputy Registrar Sahrul Haslan Hassan said upon registration, students will be briefed on the university and its guidelines, and on its Learning Management System (LMS) which allows them to access the digital library and allow them to conduct academic and financial transactions online.
The chief librarian, T. Munisah Yusoff, said the library at AeU was a library with "soul". "We did not want to create a conventional library where it's only shelves and books. This library promises to be more than that," she said.
The library is spacious. The facilities include wireless Internet access for laptops and PDA users; group discussion rooms for discussion or study; 30 computer workstations; reading areas, as well as a multi-purpose room for talks and presentations.
There is also a cafe which will allow students to take a break and continue with their discussions. In keeping with the friendly and social ambience of the library, the gallery provides highlight and colour. Art pieces from local artists will be displayed there.
AeU is an international university that was set up in Malaysia with the support of 31 member countries of the Asia Cooperation Dialogue (ACD).
It benefits from the resources of the members of the ACD, through collaborations with institutions of higher learning and training centres in all 31 member countries, to offer its academic programmes and training courses.
Based in Malaysia, the university is a dual-mode university, which means it can offer programmes both in the open & distance learning (ODL) mode as well as the full-time on-site mode. Students will have the option to migrate from the ODL mode to the full-time on-site mode and vice-versa.
AeU will collaborate with institutions of higher learning (IHL) and training centres in the 31 ACD countries to offer academic programmes and training to all participating countries. Its programmes and products are focused on flexibility and relevance to the industry and, most importantly, it hopes to impart an Asian-centric flavour to its teachings.
There is a 75 per cent rebate on total tuition fees for the disabled and senior citizens. Flexible payment schemes are available, including PTPTN loans and EPF withdrawal options.
The registration exercise is being held at three venues: its KL learning centre at Ground Flour, Main Block, 4, Dataran Kewangan Darul Takaful, Jalan Sultan Sulaiman; the Kuching centre at Borneo E-Learning Consultant, 2nd Floor SL, 19 Lot 745 Jalan Datuk Tawi Sli, 3rd Exchange Commercial Centre, Kuching; and in its Kota Kinabalu centre at Borneo E-Learning Consultant, Suite 305, 3rd Floor, Wisma Sabah in Kota Kinabalu.
For more information call the hotline at 1300300238 or (03)27850088. You can email enquiries@aeu.edu.my or visit its website at www.aeu.edu.my
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